Comparative tests of a ducted propeller with and without tubercles have been performing in the Large Towing Tank of CNR-INM
A systematic analysis of the propulsive performance of different combinations of the RESHIP ducted propeller has been performing in the Large Towing Tank of CNR-INM (i.e. 486m long, 13.5 wide and 6.5m deep ). Specifically, we have been testings the selected ducted propeller in the configuration 1) with tubercle rotor and duct, 2) in the configuration with the original (without tubercles) rotor and duct, 3) in the configuration with tubercle rotor and original (without tubercles) duct and 4) in the configutation with the original (without tubercles) rotor and tubercle duct. A special set-up was developed to measure propeller thrust and torque in combination with duct thrust which is rather challenging due to the limited gap between the rotating and the fixed part of the propulsor.